Frequently Asked Questions

It’s overwhelming trying to find information about programs and interventions. Here are a few more answers to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the program is fully funded by the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). The service providers are paid directly by the OAP.

Children with a diagnosis of autism who are 12 months up to 36 months (3 years) at start of intervention.

As of March 2024, there is no wait time to access our program.

Our program is offered in-home: virtually or hybrid (a mix of in-person and virtual). 

The East Region of Ontario as defined by the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services. From Durham to the east Quebec border, from south of the Ottawa River to north of the St. Lawrence River.

The ESI/SCERTS approach helps to develop your child’s social communication skills within everyday activities and social activities. QuickStart™ Autism Navigator® is an evidence-based program that will help you meet your child’s needs during your daily activities with them.

You will receive coaching and be supported to help your child develop within everyday activities and social activities, such as:

  • Playing with people (social games)
  • Meals and snacks
  • Caregiving (dressing, bathing, etc.)
  • Play with toys
  • Family chores
  • Books, Letters and Numbers
  • Transitions
  • Play with props (ball, swing, slide)

Whether in person or virtually, the session will be in your home. With the Early Intervention Provider you will:

  • Decide on priorities together
  • Choose 3-5 everyday activities
  • During activities, encouragement, positive feedback and coaching strategies are provided
  • After each activity, reflection, discussion and feedback
  • Plan for the upcoming week.

While ABA (applied behaviour analysis) principles are used in the program, it is a Naturalistic Behavioral Developmental Intervention (NBDI) meaning that the activities are coached at a developmentally appropriate level in natural daily environments.